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Still Wet, the Baby Calf was Wheeled Away…

September 27, 2010

…to a tiny crate. “Denied the rights to her first drink of milk, she would instead wait 6 hours in the crate until the farmer would bottle feed her the colostrum her body needed, but from a bottle. The rest of the mother’s milk would end up in the supermarket.” The full story is here.

This calf, like millions of dairy calves, will barely even know her mother or her herd. Part of the everyday cruelty of dairy.

There are lots of cruelty-free, healthy nondairy alternatives. This is a good week to start trying them.

From → Case Study, Info

One Comment
  1. Mrs Lorraine Barber permalink

    This cruelty needs to stop its disgraceful, you wouldnt take a baby away from its mother so dont do it to animals.

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